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Wandering Wings II


Wandering Wings II,

Acrylic, graphite, pigment liner on white card, brown paper, tracing paper and hobby fill in glass terrariums,

29.5cm X 20cm

Wandering Wings encapsulates the state of mind entered during lockdown within the Covid-19 pandemic. I have been living in a dream like state, as the days, happenings, and sleep blend together in a surrealistic way, where it can be hard to decipher what is reality. A fusion of overlapping anthropomorphic imagery is used to give a sense of the way things blend and blur. My vision has also been blurred out of one eye for the last 7 weeks due to a health problem which adds a physical element behind the metaphysical concept of the work.

I have found myself drifting off into whimsical daydreams whilst living in lockdown alone. The main contact I have with the outside world is on my daily walks, where notice the neighbourhood wildlife, particularly all the birds, as I gaze up into the sky, looking into the clouds or tree tops.

Wandering through nature, and also through my mind, has been an essential escape where I have thought about how amazing it would feel to be a bird and fly freely without worrying about the state of the world. These kinds of biophilic tendencies become so strong during times of hardship. Theterrariums are a representation of feeling contained physically inside my home, juxtaposed with the exploration and imagination inside my mind.

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