Opened Waters Original Artwork
They fell from the sky
Tangled in trappings of unnatural trash
A side effect of fishing and leaving trace
Supposed to hunt for creatures of the water world
But instead, an unwanted catch
Who is left to perish in their own.
This painting is part of a series I painted in 2019 called Tide Brings the Silver Gull. It depicts the Australian Silver Gull at the threshold of life and death. The paintings are detailed and intricate portrayals which use narrative to explore the tragic realities this beautiful animal is exposed to as a result of human negligence. The gills are graceful and given a sense of dignity in their undignified death.
I have surrounded the seagulls with shrine like imagery, even the plastics and finishing line could be seen as a conceptual ritualistic offering to honour the passing of these souls. Through this the subject is exaulted and given status. Each hulk has their own unique bed of seaweed and collected debris to carry them. The three works are tied together with the repeated use of fishing line constructing to birds into their resting position.
A3 size
Acrylic on arches water colour paper.